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How to wear a seersucker suit

Seersucker suits are the best alternative to a normal wool suit and for summer it is more comfortable when compared to other types of suits. These suits are available in different colors and styles and one must be very wise in selecting the accessories according to these factors to make them look smart and elegant. A lot of discussion is going on about what kind of footwear will be suitable for this attire. You will find a clear solution on this problem as you continue to read this article. There are few instructions that one ought to know before wearing a seersucker suit and they are listed below.

1. Bespoke or Off-the-Rack

First of all, one should decide the budget that you are going to spend on this clothing. If you go for bespoke, or hand crafted, custom fit suit then it will cost around $750 to $3000 but there is no doubt about the quality of the fabric. The material will be a top-notch and it will make you look like a model in it as this suit is impeccable that fits like a glove. On the other hand if you pick up an off-the-rack seersucker suit, there is a risk of inferior material put together with shabby craftsmanship. So it always better to go for the branded one even though they are a bit costly, they are valuable attires.

2. Footwear

Depending upon the occasion and location, one needs to decide what kind of footwear can go well with seersucker suit. Light-colored, buckskin lace-up with red-rubber shoes or a similar-colored saddle shoe will be perfect for an outdoor summer wedding or for some formal events. But when it comes little casual like a beach side restaurant for drinks or backyard barbecue party, go with a subtle but matching sandals or flip-flops which are not multi colored or having a bunch of straps.

seersucker suit

3. Accessories

Many people look for a lot of accessories when it comes to a seersucker suit but it is always safe to go with the "less is more" approach. You can wear a thin belt that compliments your shoes or a straw hat if you are out for a date and a white pocket square can also go well with this clothing. Suspenders can also be worn but it may make you look like Andy Griffith in "Matlock". It is always advisable not to go for double-breasted version for seersucker style and that will be a smart move to stay away from that look.

4. The Final Touch

Now, you have the suit and the shoes and it is time to choose the right colored tie to look adorable. Selecting a tie is as same as shoes; it depends upon the place and occasion. A crisp white shirt with a light colored diagonally striped tie will go well for an office wear. Even matching light-blue or pink button-down, either can be worn for a stupendous look. White linen Oxford will be a perfect one for backyard barbecue party or for some fancy bar. Some wish to wear this suit with a short \96sleeved, navy blue Polo shirt and many youngsters can opt for this style. Avoid wearing T-shirts for this attire because it may end up messy and look ridiculous. There are many other instructions to pull off a seersucker suit but these are the main guidelines to wear seersucker clothing. This suit is also available in Sport coats and pants and it is an ideal wear during summer. Although there are many color variations in this suit, it is recommended to start with blue, tan or white.

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